Monday 24 January 2022

Command Injection - TryHackMe - OWASP TOP 10 labs

Finally, back after a week-long break!!! Now I am working on my OWASP skills and the notes are as follows

Command Injection occurs when server-side code (like PHP) in a web application makes a system call on the hosting machine.  It is a web vulnerability that allows an attacker to take advantage of that made system call to execute operating system commands on the server.


Active command injection will return the response to the user.  It can be made visible through several HTML elements. 

Blind command injection occurs when the system command made to the server does not return the response to the user in the HTML document.



Let’s consider a scenario where the company called Evil Corp. is working on a web-based shell but accidently exposed it to the internet. Now let’s see how we can use this vulnerability to exploit. 

In the pseudo code provided above

1.    In the line 2, we check if the parameter “commandString” is set.

2.    In the line 4, the input “commandString” gets passed as the input.

3.    From the line 5, the program gets into the try block to execute the “passthru” command.

4.    The passthru() function is like the exec() function in that it executes a command. This function should be used in place of exec() or system() when the output from the Unix command is binary data which needs to be passed directly back to the browser.

5.    If the try fails, output the error to page.  Generally, this won't output anything because you can't output stderr but PHP doesn't let you have a try without a catch.

Ways to detect Active Command Injection

We know that active command injection occurs when you can see the response from the system call. The function “passthru()” is basically passing the response directly to the document. The function call here to “passthru()” may not always be what's happening behind the scenes, but I felt it was the easiest and least complicated way to demonstrate the vulnerability.

Commands to try

                To learn more about the commands below use man <command>

·         whoami – provides the username of the current user

·         id – provides the user and group names and IDs (UID and group ID)

·         ifconfig/ip addr – Provides the IP address of the system it is executed on

·         uname -a – Print all the system information

·         ps -ef – snapshot of all the running process (ps), -e option is to select all process,  -f full format.


                To learn more about the commands below use <command> help

·         whoami – provides the username of the current user

·         ver – provides the windows version that is running on the server

·         ipconfig - Provides the IP address of the system it is executed on

·         tasklist – provides the list of tasks that are running on the server

·         netstat -an – Provides all connected and listening ports and displays all address and ports in numerical form


1. What strange text file is in the website root directory?

Answer: drpepper.txt


2. How many non-root/non-service/non-daemon users are there?

Answer: 0

3. What user is this app running as?

Answer: www-data

4. What is the user's shell set as?

Answer: /usr/sbin/nologin

5. What version of Ubuntu is running?

Answer: 18.04.4 LTS

6. Print out the MOTD.  What favorite beverage is shown?


In App:

In Terminal:

That's All folks for now. 

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