Thursday 6 January 2022

SMB Enumeration and Exploitation

SMB (Server Message Block) is a client server communication protocol used for sharing access to files, printer, serial ports, and other resources on network.

Servers make file systems and other resources available to clients on the network. Client computers may also want access to the shared file systems and printers on the servers.

The SMB protocol is known as a response-request protocol


SMB Enumeration

I am working on a TryHackMe machines and trying to enumerate the SMB port. There are SMB share drives on a server that can be connected to and used to view or transfer files. SMB can often be a great starting point for an attacker looking to discover sensitive information — you'd be surprised what is sometimes included on these shares.

1.       NMAP scanning:

Our first step would be perform NMAP scan on the IP address to identify the ports which will provide us maximum information on the services, applications, structure and operating system of the target machine.

 nmap -sV -sT -p-

-sV: This option helps in providing the details of the services that are present on the ports.
-sT: This option is used to perform a TCP scan on the IP to check whether the ports are open or closed.
-p-: This option is used to perform scan on all ports. This is another variant of (-p 0-65535) option.

In the above provided screenshot we can see that there are two services that are present on the IP address those are provided below.

·         Port 22 – SSH service- OpenSSH 7.6p1

·         Port 139 and Port 445 – SMB – smbd 3.x – 4.x



2.       Enum4Linux

Now let’s use a tool called as Enum4Linux. It is a tool used to enumerate SMB shares on both Windows and Linux systems. It is basically a wrapper around the tools in the Samba package and makes it easy to quickly extract information from the target pertaining to SMB.

The syntax of Enum4Linux is nice and simple: 

"enum4linux [options] ip"




get userlist 


get machine list


get namelist dump (different from -U and-M)


get sharelist


get password policy information


get group and member list


all of the above (full basic enumeration)


                Below are the screenshots of the sensitive information that is provided by the enum4linux scan.



There are many different types of vulnerabilities present for SMB remote code execution, but we are trying a specific attack (CVE-2017-7494).

So, the data that we have received from our enumeration are provided below:

·         The SMB has share locations present.

·         The SMB share files contains user profiles.

3.       SMB Client


We can remotely access the SMB share using the syntax:

smbclient //IP/SHARE


Followed by the tags:

-U [name] : to specify the user

-p [port] : to specify the port


By using smbclient we were able to login into the client by using null username and password. We can also use the username of “Anonymous” to login to smbclient and the port provided is 445.

By using the command help we can know what commands can be used under the smbclient.

After this we can access the files that are present in the smbclient by using ls command and we tried to download few files and tried to check the data out of it (like Working from Home Information.txt and files from .ssh folder).

After going through the “id_rsa” file we received the username to access the ssh service. By doing this we got to know that the permission files are provided within the .ssh files. So, we have downloaded the files and changed the file permissions by providing (“CHMOD 600 id_rsa”) syntax.

We used the permission files to access the ssh and we were successfully able to login to the ssh service and we found the flag that was present. We used CAT command to access the flag.


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